Browse 32 Cal Poly SLO Dorm Reviews

Best Cal Poly SLO Dorms

Here are the 5 best dorms at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. This ranking was put together based off of what students rated Cal Poly SLO dorms on the RateMyDorm Cal Poly SLO Page.

    Rated 3.2 / 5 stars by 9 Cal Poly SLO students

    "Classic dorm layout, very social and has the best location on campus, still near the main dining halls and shortest walks to the UU and classes!"

    Rated 3.9 / 5 stars by 2 Cal Poly SLO students

    "Basic apartment. Pretty good isolation between units and nice complex. Most difficult to get to housing on campus though (greatest grade difference to campus)"

    Rated 4.1 / 5 stars by 2 Cal Poly SLO students

    "Rooms are large and spacious. I’d say the bathroom situation is better than some of the other dorms like south mountain as at nomo it’s one bathroom every three rooms instead of a large communal one. This means you’re just sharing with your two neighbors which is nice. People tend to say nomo isnt as social as redbricks and while i do agree nomo can get pretty wild around holidays/weekends. Anyways 10/10 freshman experience here i’d recommend the corner rooms. Oh also not all the buildings have laundry so check on that too. I was in Lassen which didnt have its own laundry room but it was just a short walk to one of the neighboring buildings so i didnt really affect anything unless it was raining."

    Poly Canyon Village California Polytechnic State University - SLO

    Rated 4.4 / 5 stars by 7 Cal Poly SLO students

    "Other than the higher price of living on campus again after first year compared to off-campus, PCV is a great option. Apartments come furnished, are provided biweekly cleaners, and free (single ply) toilet paper. There are also study rooms and community center, nearby parking garages, a pool, and a food/market. The walk to campus can be a trek but it’s also a nice separation between school and home."

    yakʔitʸutʸu California Polytechnic State University - SLO

    Rated 4.6 / 5 stars by 7 Cal Poly SLO students

    "These dorms are the brand new, clean and modern with numerous lounge and study rooms. Biggest downside is that they’re on the very edge of campus and it can be a long walk to anything."

At RateMyDorm, we've collected 32 student reviews from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.