
UCLA Housing Forum

UC Los Angeles

Best freshmen dorms at UCLA?


Verified Student

I think Sproul Cove and Centennial are great housing options for freshman. I think it's crucial to be in a large dorm with lots of people just so you can get acquainted with many different types of people and maximize the time you have as a first year getting out of your comfort zone and exploring. Sproul Cove has a great location near the gym and a dining hall, and Centennial has an amazing building, and both have good sized rooms and floors with mostly 1st and 2nd years. If you want a plaza, I would probably recommend Rieber Vista or Rieber Terrace because of pretty good access to dorms and restaurants close by. I wouldn't recommend either of the suites just because they are more isolated and have a lot more upperclassmen.

UC Los Angeles Housing

The University of California, Los Angeles, is a public research university in Los Angeles, California.

UCLA offers 4 years of guaranteed housing to its undergraduates. On campus housing consists of dorms in an area called “The Hill”, and come with a meal plan for the dining halls and restaurants there. Off-campus housing consists of University owned apartments, open to students after completing one year. They are further from campus and do not include a meal plan, but are generally larger in space than the dorms.