UC Davis Housing Forum
Bixby hall was old but the location was prime!
The newer the dorm usually the nicer they are. In Segundo, though not newer, the high-rises of Malcolm, Ryerson, Bixby, Gilmore are a bit outdated but still are nice. In Tercero, Scrub Oak, Redwood, and Cottonwood are all nicer and newer dorms. In Cuarto both Yosemite and Shasta are new (finished in 2021) and are well designed.
Newer dorm buildings are generally nicer - Cuarto has Shasta Hall, Yosemite Hall. Tercero has Cottonwood, Redwood, Madrone.
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UC Davis is a public research university located in Davis, California.
Student Housing manages 30+ residence halls in Segundo, Tercero, and Cuarto areas on the west side of the central campus. Segundo has 14 buildings, the Segundo Services Center, and the Segundo Dining Commons, housing 1,600 students. Tercero has 15 halls, Olive Hall, Tercero Services Center, and accommodates 3,500 students. Cuarto has three halls and the Cuarto Dining Commons and is home to around 1,400 students.