
UC Davis Housing Forum

Worst dorms at UC Davis?


Verified Student

Segundo's Regan Hall are smaller and more run down compared to the rest of Segundo Dorms. The older Tercero dorms of Kearney and Laben are also not as nice an older. If location is important to you than the three dorms in Cuarto of Yosemite, Shasta, and Tahoe would not be right for you.

Verified Student

Depends on your preferences - in terms of location, anywhere in Cuarto will be significantly more inconvenient just due to how far it is from main campus. In terms of buildings themselves, the older ones are generally feel more run-down, i.e. Potter hall in Tercero has noticeably dim lights and old bathrooms.

UC Davis Housing

UC Davis is a public research university located in Davis, California.

Student Housing manages 30+ residence halls in Segundo, Tercero, and Cuarto areas on the west side of the central campus. Segundo has 14 buildings, the Segundo Services Center, and the Segundo Dining Commons, housing 1,600 students. Tercero has 15 halls, Olive Hall, Tercero Services Center, and accommodates 3,500 students. Cuarto has three halls and the Cuarto Dining Commons and is home to around 1,400 students.